Anxiety Programme
Eight Week Course
For those who are wanting to reduce Anxiety.
Living in a world that is presenting with uncertainties at unprecedented times it can feel overwhelming and cause increased stress. High levels of anxiety can impact the relationship with ourselves and others, the entirety of our well-being system from sleep/ food and productivity personally and professionally can be negatively affected.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal, if unpleasant, part of life and can affect us in many different ways and at different times (Anxiety UK). On average 1 in 4 people will experience anxiety in their lives with Anxiety UK recognising 28 types of anxiety conditions. Anxiety can make a person think their life situations are worse than they really are. This may lead to feelings such as excess fear and worry which can feel extremely distressing.
About the Course
This is a psycho – educational course which is topic based offering information and allowing time for self-exploration, sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences. We look at ways to improve individual’s self-esteem and manage their anxiety.
Aims for the Course
· Provide you with education on the signs and symptoms of anxiety
· Understand the different types of anxiety relevant to your situation
· Learn different techniques to manage your anxiety
· Manage and master your anxiety aiming to maximise your life choices.
What Happens in The Course?
The purpose of the course is to teach from a “Psycho- educational” framework, underpinned by counselling and psycho-therapeutic processes. Each week will offer opportunities to experience feelings in a safe space, exploring new concepts of managing anxiety and how to maintain anxiety in the future.
Where and When:
This programme runs for Eight Weeks remotely. Each session will last for 1 hour on a one- to- one basis, each session can be arranged at any suitable agreed time after an initial Assessment to gain suitably access.